19 October 2011

SD Police Officers Association Endorses Nathan Fletcher

SD Police Officers Association Endorses Nathan Fletcher

The San Diego Police Officers Association endorsed Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher for mayor Wednesday afternoon.

The endorsement from the major police union came as a surprise to many expecting the association to back District Attorney and candidate Bonnie Dumanis.

The association lauded Fletcher for his “leadership and commitment” to restoring the city’s finances, said Brian R. Marvel, president of the association, in a statement.

Fletcher, a republican, supports a proposed ballot measure that would end promised pensions for new city hires, with the exception of police officers. The police union opposes the ballot initiative.

The association acknowledged this disparity, but said that they will look beyond his stance on one issue to his more favorable characteristics.

“Choosing a mayor is about more than agreeing on issues,” Marvel said. “It's about electing someone who can lead our city back to financial stability and toward a more prosperous future.”

Dumanis said she wasn’t seeking the association’s endorsement anyway.

“I stated publicly months ago that I would not be seeking the endorsement of any organizations involved in labor negotiations for the City of San Diego, including the San Diego Police Officers Association,” Dumanis said in a statement.

She pointed to criminal cases pending against police officers as another reason she was not seeking the endorsement.

Other front runner candidates include City Councilman Carl DeMaio and Congressman Bob Filner.


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