19 October 2011

Rebel Flight Attendant Done With Court Program, Now on Probation

Rebel Flight Attendant Done With Court Program, Now on Probation

The fed-up flight attendant who became a national sensation because of his spectacular exit down an emergency chute at New York City's Kennedy Airport has finished his court-ordered treatment program.

Steven Slater was allowed to withdraw his guilty plea to attempted criminal mischief and was sentenced Wednesday to one year of probation.

Queens District Attorney Richard Brown said he was satisfied with the outcome of Slater's counseling and substance-abuse treatment.

Slater admitted he pulled an emergency chute on a Jetblue flight from Pittsburgh after it landed at Kennedy on Aug. 9, 2010. He went on the public-address system, swore at a passenger who he claimed treated him rudely, grabbed a beer and slid down onto the tarmac.

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