19 October 2011

Emanuel Plans Pricey November Fundraiser

Mayor Rahm Emanuel said he's never running for president. "No. Never. Not. Not Interested."

But he's fundraising like he might be thinking about it.

The new mayor has scheduled a party for his New Chicago Committee to replenish his war chest, according to Crain's Chicago Business.

Emanuel is even holding the Nov. 2 shindig at the same spot Vice President Joe Biden hosted a fundraiser for President Barack Obama last month: the home of Chopper Trading CEO  Raj Fernando.

And the tickets aren't cheap. Emanuel is asking a minimum of $2,500 and up to $20,000 for a corporate sponsorship, Crain's says. Of course, a past Obama dinner fetched between $10,000 and $35,800, but Emanuel might be using the cash to make political plays in next year's local elections.

Besides Emanuel has said he doesn't want the president's job -- he's happy here.

"I'm not interested," Emanuel has said. "I love this job, I love the city of Chicago."

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