19 October 2011

Norv Turner Fires Back at Rex Ryan

Norv Turner Fires Back at Rex Ryan

At first, San Diego Chargers coach Norv Turner seemed content to let the opportunity pass.

Hours earlier Wednesday afternoon, Jets coach Rex Ryan told San Diego media that if he had become the team's coach in 2007, the franchise would have two Super Bowl rings by now.

Turner, the man given the job, had his usual carefree smile while standing at the podium. He confirmed that Ryan called him earlier, reportedly to clarify that the comments were not meant as a slight to Turner.

"It really was between he and I," Turner said of the conversation. "I think we've had enough coaching drama in the league the last few days. We don't need anymore."

Then — shoot, why not? — Turner stirred the pot with the boisterous Jets coach.

"I hadn't seen the quote; I was a little surprised when he called," Turner said. "And then, after I saw the quote, I didn't have a chance to ask him this, but I was wondering if he had those rings with the ones he's guaranteed the past couple of years."

Around the locker room, players were unanimous, if a little careful with their words, when asked about Ryan's comments.

"Because he's a confident guy, if that's his opinion, then great," outside linebacker Shaun Phillips said. "But that's not the case. He didn't get the job, so there's really nothing negative to say about it. Everyone's allowed to have an opinion, and I can't get mad about the guy for having an opinion.

"Do we stand behind our coach? Yes. Do we love Norv as a coach? Yes. Would we want another coach? No. Bottom line is I have no problem with what he said because of the fact he is allowed to have an opinion."

Fullback Jacob Hester said Ryan's Super Bowl comment "doesn't make much sense."

"He doesn't have any Super Bowl rings there, either," Hester said. "You can't get into stuff like that. Obviously, Norv is here for a reason. Norv has done a hell of a job here. We're not worried about stuff like that."

Maybe nose tackle Antonio Garay said it best.

He quietly sat on the stool in front of his locker, raised his right hand and then slowly brushed it over the top of his face. He then exhaled with a low sigh.

"Write that down," Garay said.


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