26 October 2011

Occupy San Diego Tents Back Up

Occupy San Diego Tents Back Up

Tents were back up at the Civic Center Plaza Wednesday morning, defying city orders. Police would not say if they had plans to remove the tents.

Occupy San Diego protesters began occupying the Plaza Oct. 8 as part of a nation-wide movement against corporate greed and income disparity.

Tensions escalated when officers removed tents from the Plaza on Oct. 14. Several protesters were pepper sprayed and some were arrested.

Officers had released a warning to Occupy San Diego organizers.

“It is unlawful for any person to erect, place, allow to remain, construct, establish, plant or maintain any vegetation or object on any public street, alley, sidewalk, highway, or other public property or public right-of-way, except as otherwise provided by the Code,” the notice read.

“Those who refuse to comply with the above code will be subject to arrest.”

Protesters forced the City Council meeting to adjourn early on Tuesday morning to ask for a resolution supporting their movement.

During the public comment period of the meeting, a woman spoke longer than the allotted time. When the next speaker began talking, protesters started chanting “We are the 99 percent,” and “support us now.”

Council members then left the meeting.

About 100 Occupy activists remain at the Civic Center nearly two weeks after the initial protest began.

Meantime, tensions are intensifying in other major cities. Officers fired tear gas into a crowd in Oakland Tuesday after the protesters refused to clear out a camp they had set up in front of City Hall.

Police said the protesters were creating a hazardous situation and putting the public in danger.

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