26 October 2011

Dallas 2nd Ferris Wheel Put on Hold

Dallas 2nd Ferris Wheel Put on Hold

Alternate sites for a huge Ferris wheel-type attraction are being considered after Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said he didn't care for the first proposed spot.

Last week Dallas County Commissioners gave preliminary approval to place the 174-foot observation wheel on top of a parking structure near the John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza in downtown Dallas.

Jenkins, who was out of the country last week when that approval was given, voiced his displeasure upon his return, the Dallas Morning News reports.

Now, Great City Attractions, who own the air conditioned observation wheels, are looking for a new site.

The company has installed observation wheels in several European, Asian and Australian cities.   There are none in the U.S. so far.

Each air-conditioned gondola offers a 360-degree view of the surrounding area while providing information and educational opportunities about the region. Riders would pay up to $15 each and the ride would be available by day and by night.

Dallas, of course, already has one Ferris wheel, the permanently installed 212-foot Texas Star at Fair Park.

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