26 October 2011

Dallas County Fires Homeland Security Director

Dallas County Fires Homeland Security Director

Dallas County’s former homeland security director claims politics are to blame for her firing this week.

Lisa Chambers had been the director of emergency management and homeland security for Dallas County since June 2010.

"Problems brought to light were being ignored," she said.

The county announced her termination in a news release Wednesday.

In the release, County Judge Clay Jenkins said he alone made the decision to fire Chambers, without consulting other county commissioners, because of performance issues.

The release said meetings had been held with Chambers since July but the situation did not improve.

"As the elected official in charge of homeland security and emergency management for Dallas County, I have a duty to put the safety of the people of the county first," Jenkins said in the release.

Emergency management employee Scott Greeson has been appointed interim director. Jenkins said a nationwide search would be conducted for a permanent replacement.

Chambers previously held positions with the U.S. Department of Defense and Central Intelligence Agency, according to information released at the time she was hired.

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