26 October 2011

Man Carjacked Outside Wit Hotel

Belmont Area detectives continue to search for two suspects who stole an 18-year-old man's car outside the Wit hotel early Wednesday.

The carjacking occurred at 2 a.m. outside the Loop hotel, at 201 N. State St., police news Affairs Officer Hector Alfaro told the Chicago Sun-Times

The two suspects reportedly told the victim he had a flat tire, and when he got out of his car to check the tire, one suspect took off in his 2004 Infiniti, Central District police Lt. Robert Lajewski told the publication.

The victim held onto the car but let go after the other suspect jumped into the car a block later. He sustained injuries to his face but denied medical care.

Alfaro said he does not know if the suspects were armed and said they have only been described as male.

Lajewski told the Sun-Times Wednesday morning the suspects remain at large.

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