28 September 2011

Second Stray Pot Belly Pig Captured in Anne Arundel Co.

Second Stray Pot Belly Pig Captured in Anne Arundel Co.

A second homeless, domestic pot belly pig seen living for weeks around an office park near the Baltimore-Washington Parkway in Linthicum has been safely captured, according to Anne Arundel County Animal Control.

The male pig named after a frog -- Kermit, since his previously captured female counterpart was called Miss Piggy -- was tranquilized and apprehended on Hammonds Ferry Road Wednesday.

Officers caught Miss Piggy last week.

The couple will be spayed and neutered and put up for adoption if no one claims them.

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources determined the pigs weren’t feral and not an ecological danger when they were loose.

The pigs may have been pets that outgrew their welcome and were abandoned, DNR officials suggested.

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