28 September 2011

History Buffs Fighting to Save Old Building

In Rockwall County, there’s a fight to preserve a piece of history.

The county has decided to sell the old Rockwall County Annex Building, leaving the fate of the 94-year-old building in the hands of the buyer.

Rockwall Historian Sherri Fowler said the annex is valuable piece of property and that it's been a fixture for seven generations of her family.

History buffs like Fowler hope to save the annex, which was built in 1917 as a Ford dealership. As the county moves forward, they hope it won’t forget its past.

"I think all those generations might be sad that we might be losing a piece of Rockwall history,” said Fowler, who is the chair of the Rockwall County Historical Commission.

But the annex is building the county can no longer afford or use, so the county commissioners voted to sell it and move the offices taking up residence in the annex to the new county courthouse.

"Unfortunately it would be a great parking lot for either the county or the city,” said Rockwall County Commissioner David Magness. "But I think we'll let someone else make the decision on what to do with that."

The new courthouse will have a dedication ceremony on Nov. 11, Veterans Day.

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