28 September 2011

Police Brutality Claims Against Gardena Police Officers

An alleged police beating involving officers from the Gardena Police Department has come under scrutiny.

The incident was caught on grainy video from an apartment security camera (embedded, above).

The incident occurred on March 26 in Gardena when Perry Alexander was pulled over by officers. Gardena police claimed Alexander became combative, but Alexander -- who is facing charges of resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer -- told a different story.

"They told me to step out of my car, which I did, and walk to the back of my car, which I did, and place my hands on the trunk, which I did," Alexander said.

He said then they searched him but he had nothing in his pockets, and then "the officer punched me in my face very hard for two times for no reason."

Alexander's attorney, Alison Triessl, said she is waiting for audiotapes that will bear out Alexander's story.

She said they will show "he was begging them to stop and that he was saying 'what have I done? What have I done?'"

Triessl showed photographs of her client that showed a black eye, a gash on his forehead and a bruised cheek.

While Alexander was in court entering a not guilty plea, his family and friends demonstrated outside.

His mother, Marilyn Alexander, said she just wanted justice for her son.

"He didn't deserve the beating by the police officer. It's just not right," said Marilyn Alexander.

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