23 September 2011

Md. Lawmaker Accused of Using Campaign Funds for Wedding

Md. Lawmaker Accused of Using Campaign Funds for Wedding

A Maryland state lawmaker and a Prince George's County Council candidate were indicted on theft charges.

The State Prosecutor's Office on Friday accused Delegate Tiffany Alston, who represents Prince George's County, of using $3,560 in campaign funds to cover wedding expenses in December 2010. She's also accused of putting $660 in campaign funds toward the salary of an employee at her law firm.

The two checks from the campaign account written to cover wedding expenses bounced.

Alston, a Democrat, joined the General Assembly in January.

She did not immediately return calls left at her Statehouse office or at her law office. It was not immediately clear if she had a lawyer.

Darrell Miller, a candidate for the Prince George's County Council, was accused of improper use of campaign funds, including at least $1,000 in personal expenses.

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