23 September 2011

Bear Bites: Carimi Bummed to Miss the Pack

Bear Bites: Carimi Bummed to Miss the Pack

Good morning and welcome to Bear Bites. It's Packers weekend. That's a national holiday, right?

  • Gabe Carimi, a Wisconsinite, is bummed that he's missing his first chance to play against the Packers. (Chicago Sun-Times)
  • Craig Steltz and the safeties have the team's support. (ESPN Chicago)
  • Caleb Hanie showed promise in the Bears' last game against the Packers. (Chicago Tribune)
  • Remember that roughing the passer call on Cutler that was a bit suspect? The NFL says it shouldn't have been a flag. (ESPN Chicago)
  • A look back at 10 Bears-Packers games to remember. (Chicago Sun-Times)

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