23 September 2011

Banana Man's Suspension Suspended

The final five days of Banana Man Bryan Thompson's 10-day suspension have been suspended.

The 14-year-old, who got in trouble for donning a banana costume and sprinting across the football field during Colonial Forge High School's game last weekend, will return to school Monday and continue to attend class as long as he behaves.

If Colonial Forge's 7:30 p.m. home game isn't rained out, neither Bryan nor Banana Man will attend, but after that, it's time served for Bryan, and retirement for Banana Man.

The legend will live on, though, immortalized in the "Free Banana Man" T-shirts classmates wore to school in support, the "Free Banana Man" hip-hop song Bryan created during his time off and the fabulous YouTube clip of his halftime show. (Warning: Strong language.)

Bryan's mother, Tavia Thompson, appealed the suspension, arguing that her son is autistic.

On Thursday, Bryan said he just wanted to make people happy. Mission accomplished.

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