23 September 2011

10 'Smash and Grab' Burglaries Investigated in Naperville

10 'Smash and Grab' Burglaries Investigated in Naperville

Ten "smash and grab" thefts from vehicles parked at Naperville parks are being investigated by Naperville Park District and city police.

Park District Police Chief Carl Schnibben said purses that were left in plain sight were stolen from five cars and other vehicles after the windows had been shattered.

Six of the thefts occurred Tuesday morning, with the most recent crime at about 11:22 a.m. that day outside the Barn Recreation Center. Another theft happened about an hour earlier at Weigand Riverfront Park, according to the Naperville Sun.

Schnibben told the publication the burglars appear to be taking credit cards and bank debit cards from the purses.

These aren't the first cases of "smash and grab" robberies. Windows of cars were broken into and purses were stolen July 7 at the DuPage River Sports Complex from four unoccupied vehicles.

Those who have witnessed a break-in or believe they have information about any of the crimes are asked to call Park District police at 630-848-5050.

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