23 September 2011

Fairfax Schools Leader to Retire

Fairfax Schools Leader to Retire

You know how it seems like some people are in school forever? Jack Dale is one of them.

But the Fairfax County Schools superintendent finally will be finished with school in about a year-and-a-half.  He announced Thursday night that he’s retiring. He will step down when his contract expires in June 2013.

Dale has overseen one of the nation’s most prestigious suburban school systems for seven years. Under his watch, the system’s dropout rate has decreased while state math and reading scores have increased.

He has also had to handle major budget cuts and appease parents, who were angry over the county’s discipline policy.

His time as superintendent may be limited, but don’t think of Dale as a lame duck. He said he wants to use the remainder of his time on the job creating what he calls “the next wave in education” -- a system of learning plans that use technology to help students learn at their own pace.

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