07 October 2011

Taggers' Assault Victim Feels Lucky to Be Alive

A City Heights father said he’s lucky to be alive after being stabbed, punched and spray painted by four taggers in an attack Wednesday.

“I think they wanted to kill me. The aggression and anger.... they wanted to finish me off,” Concepcion Gomez said Thursday.

Gomez was heading to his car around 8 p.m. Wednesday when he saw a group of young men tagging a wall near his home.

The men told Gomez not to say anything about the graffiti but then they sprayed him in the face with paint, punched him, stabbed him in the face and shoulder and continued to kick him when he was down on the ground, police said.

San Diego police have told the victim's family that they've arrested three of the attackers and the department’s gang unit is looking for one more suspect.

Gomez believes they all need to be punished for the pain they’ve caused him and his family.

“I feel a lot of pain physically, but more emotionally for my family, because they worry, they were crying,” he said. “It's a sad situation.”

Gomez’s daughter Maria is angry the young men would attack a 65-year-old man.

“I'm really mad, like I want to do something to them because he's not young he's old, my dad is old,” said Maria Gomez."

Gomez was treated at Scripps Memorial hospital and released Thursday but still has cuts and swelling on his face. He will likely need surgery on his broken nose he said.

The wounds are a reminder of the tough area in which he lives – City Heights. He hopes police will pay more attention to the neighborhood.

“I'm really bothered by the situation. It's not good,” he said. “ There's so much violence.”



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