07 October 2011

LA Fire Chief in "Inappropriate" Photos

LA Fire Chief in

In a stunning development in the porn scandal rocking the LA City Fire Department. the newly appointed fire chief has admitted that he too took part in "inappropriate" photos taken in front of a city fire engine.

Chief Brian Cummings says that 13 years ago, while serving as a captain with the LAFD, he allowed pictures to be taken of himself with a bikini-clad woman and firefighters under his command, in front of a fire engine.

In addition, the chief allowed the woman to pose partially naked in front of the engine. These actions apparently violate LAFD policy. "This is clearly irresponsible and inappropriate," Cummings said in a statement released Friday. "I am accountable for my actions."

Cummings admitted to the photos Friday, just two weeks after NBC4 revealed that two other LA fire stations allowed their engines to be used in two porn movies.

The department promised to fully investigate that alleged misconduct, but two days ago said their investigation had hit a dead end, because it failed to identify firefighters who might have taken part in the porn movies.

Cummings also told NBC4 that no firefighters would be disciplined because of a two-year statute of limitations on acts of misconduct; the porn movies were made in 2008.

On Friday, Cummings told a different story about the porn flick investigation. Cummings said the investigation remains a "top priority" for the LAFD, and they still plan to "identify individuals in the Fire Department who may have been involved."

In the wake of the porn and picture incidents, the chief says he will present a new Code of Conduct to the LA Fire Commission, and plans to provide ethics training to all department personnel.

Additionally, the chief says he's volunteering for 120 hours of community service to reinforce "the public's trust" in him.  

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said in a statement: "I have accepted Chief Cumming's apology, and I support his proposesd steps to rebuild the public's confidence in his professionalism."

More on the LA Fire Department Porn Investigation:

Porn Actress to LA Firefighters: I'm Sorry

Firefighters Won't Be Punshed For Porn

LA Firefighters Investigated for Helping Make Porn

Mayor Condemns LAFD Role in Porn Films

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