07 October 2011

Michaele and Tareq Salahi Items Going Up for Auction

Michaele and Tareq Salahi Items Going Up for Auction

The alleged White House party crashers are moving on from their broken marriage.

Tareq Salahi told Reuters that he would be auctioning off some of the ex-couple's stuff this weekend.

Up for sale - a platinum Tiffany wedding ring, some sculptures, underwear and a selection of hotel bathrobes.  An undisclosed portion of the proceeds will be distributed to several charities.

The couple is accused of sneaking into a White House state dinner in 2009.  Michaele later appeared on the reality television show "Real Housewives of D.C."

Michaele and Tareq broke up last month - after she left him for Journey guitarist Neal Schon.

Tareq Salahi has since filed for divorce.

The auction is set to happen on October 8 at the 9021GO showroom in California.


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