07 October 2011

Self-Proclaimed Psychic Scared Girl Into Stealing Family Jewelry: Deputies

Authorities are searching for more victims in the case of a woman who allegedly claimed to be psychic and scared a 12-year-old girl into stealing about $10,000 worth of family jewelry.

In return, the suspect said she would remove a terrible curse.

"(She) told the victim that she believed the victim to be cursed and several horrible things would come to both the victim and the victim's family if the curse was not removed,'' Deputy Robbie Royster, of the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station, said.

The investigation began in August 2011 when the girl began sneaking out of her home to visit a classmate and her mother, suspect Jackeline Lopez, according to investigators. Lopez told the girl she could see the future and conducted psychic readings in her garage, which was decorated with candles, chalk outlines, replicas of human skulls, beads, dolls and black cauldrons, investigators said.

As part of the reading, Lopez encouraged the girl to bring her jewels that she placed in a cauldron, according to authorities. She assured the girl the process would remove the curse, but kept telling the girl she needed more jewelry, deputies said.pez was arrested on suspicion of extortion. She posted bond and was released from jail.

A court date was set for Oct. 18.

Contact Investigators: 661-272-2477

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