07 October 2011

'For Sale' Baby Born Addicted to Drugs

'For Sale' Baby Born Addicted to Drugs

Court documents show a baby offered for sale by a Delaware woman was born addicted to opiates.

Bridget Wismer is accused of trying to sell the child to a Philadelphia man for $15,000. She allegedly intended to use the money for a trip to Disneyworld

On Friday, attorneys for both sides agreed to new pretrial conditions for Wismer.


Defense attorneys told the judge that Wismer was waiving her right to a preliminary hearing that had been scheduled for Oct. 17 in return for prosecutors agreeing to turn over all police records

and other evidence in their possession.

Court documents show Wismer's baby was born addicted to opiates on August 31st.  Wismer allegedly left the newborn to a casino four days


Wismer avoided a higher bail but was ordered to have no contact with the baby or her co-defendant. She also must wear an electronic monitoring bracelet and undergo mental health and substance abuse evaluations.



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