26 September 2011

Milford Couple Found Dead Had Filed for Divorce

The two adults found dead inside a home at 123 Branca Court in Milford on Friday morning had filed for divorce three weeks earlier.

A resident visiting the home found the bodies of Kenneth Fox, 50, and Catherine Fox, 51, and called 911 on Friday.

Neighbors said the couple argued and had recently had a loud argument in the middle of the street,

"He was saying he was going to lose his job. ... She was saying, 'You gotta leave you gotta leave you just don't need to be here.' He said, 'If I leave, I'll lose my job, I can't lose my job. ... Let me back in. I promise. I'm sorry," Joyce Minar, a neighbor who witnessed the argument, said.

Kenneth and his college-aged son were recently arrested and later released prior to the public fight, according to reports. As a condition of the release,  Kenneth was not allowed to enter the home.

Investigators said they believe the deaths are a result of a domestic incident.

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