18 October 2011

Radnor Rash of 'Smash and Grab' Vehicle Break-ins

Radnor Rash of 'Smash and Grab' Vehicle Break-ins

There has been a rash of "smash and grab" vehicle break-ins in two sections of Radnor, Delaware County.

At least seven recent incidents are reported in Wayne and St. Davids.  Thieves have broken windows to get into parked cars and steal valuables.

Radnor Township police are warning residents to lock their vehicles and keep valuables out of sight.

According to the Delaware County Times, the break-ins are happening between 5 and 10 p.m. to vehicles parked at restaurants and hotels.

Incidents are reported on October 10 and 16 at Georges and White Dog Cafe and the Radnor and Wayne Hotels, according to the Times.

Police have extra patrols out in the Wayne and St. Davids sections of Radnor Township.

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