18 October 2011

Cyber Bullies Post Video of Local Student Performing Oral Sex

Cyber Bullies Post Video of Local Student Performing Oral Sex

The name of an alleged Philadelphia high school student is trending nationally on Twitter after someone allegedly recorded her performing oral sex on what appears to be school grounds, and then posted the video on Facebook.

The girl, whose name and alleged Philadelphia high school we will not mention, claims to be 14 years old on her Facebook page – where she repeatedly asks for the cyber-bullies to take down the extremely graphic video.

In a surprising twist, much of the response to the viral video, as well as the 100-plus Facebook pages created with the girl's name, has been hundreds of thousands of people showing support for the Philadelphia teen. Countless messages on Facebook and Twitter have been written, telling the girl to stay strong and not to let the bullies affect her.

Even minor celebrities have shown support, hoping that this case of extreme bullying won’t go the way of other cases.

One person writes on a “support” page: “How come the boys are not getting in trouble? Or the kids that recorded it?”

The Facebook page that appears to be the girl’s real page, though it is still unclear, has multiple pleas for the people who posted the video to delete it, and a status update saying, “Keeping my head up and brushing off haters.”

It is unclear why the graphic pages are still live on Facebook, as the social media giant has actually banned and deleted such things as photos of breastfeeding.

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