18 October 2011

Deer Conducts Itself Badly, Pitches Fit in Rowan Music Hall

Deer Conducts Itself Badly, Pitches Fit in Rowan Music Hall

Students at Rowan University’s music hall got a unique lesson on cadence and beat after the sound of deer hooves and breaking glass revealed a six-point buck was tearing through the building Monday.

The deer broke through a closed first-floor window and went on a 10-minute rampage, trashing an office and crashing into several windows, reports myfoxphilly.com.

As the deer tore through the music hall and students scrambled to take cell phone pictures, professors saw the danger in the confused animal and ordered students into practice rooms for their safety.

"It's actually the first deer I'd seen on campus, so when I saw it by the window, I was very surprised," Department chair Rick Dammers told myfoxphilly.com.

The six-pointer ran in and out of Wilson Music Hall several times, destroying things in each direction.

The wounded and bloodied buck finally ran out of the building and disappeared into the woods leaving a trail of broken glass in its wake.

Rowan is quite popular with the wildlife. A hawk nose-dived into a window last week, reports myfoxphilly.com.

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