11 October 2011

VIDEO: NYPD Fights Teenage Girls in Subway

A group of teenage girls caught fare-beating got into an all-out brawl with police who pulled them off the subway Friday night, and one bystander captured the frenetic fight on video.

The newly released YouTube video (seen below) shows a few of the girls, ages 14 to 16, talking and fighting back against the two cops as they tried to arrest them for jumping the turnstile at the 125th Street station.

At one point, it appears one of the girls almost gets into a boxing match with one of the cops. Another one whacks one of the police officers with her yellow-checkered bag.

The brazen brawl continues for a few minutes until the police call in reinforcement, and what appears to be a dozen police officers, some in plainclothes, show up brandishing nightsticks.

The officers eventually manage to subdue the girls and take them into custody.

A witness on the tape is heard saying,"They did it all and now they’re going to blame the cops. It’s all their fault."

The girls face charges including assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest.

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