11 October 2011

Bryan Stow Doctors Call News Conference

Bryan Stow Doctors Call News Conference

SF General announced it will give an update on Bryan Stow's condition at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday. The news conference was called just three hours ahead of time and the release did not give any clue as to what motivated it.

The last update to the website set up by Stow's family was Oct. 6. In it, they talked about a hospital visit Stow got from his favorite band Queensryche, which happened last week.

Stow is the San Francisco Giants fan who was attacked outside Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles on Opening Day. He suffered significant brain damage.

Case Timeline

LAPD has since arrested the people they say are responsible for his injuries.

In recent weeks, Stow has made what his family says is significant progress. Stow is now speaking in complete sentences in videos to his children and engaging in conversations with visitors.

Doctors have said in the past the next significant step for Stow would be a move to a rehab facility. They also promised regular updates even if there wasn't something significant to report.

NBC is sending a crew to the news conference and will update this story as soon as the doctors tell us what is going on.

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