11 October 2011

Emanuel Announces 500 Accenture Jobs

Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Tuesday continued his arch of announcing new jobs in Chicago.

Accenture, a financial consulting firm, will add 500 jobs to its Chicago headquarters of more than 5,000 employees.

Emanuel said the jobs will help advance Chicago’s reputation as a "center for technology and innovation." They also bring the mayor's total number of announced jobs past 7,000.

“To compete in the global marketplace, Chicago must attract and retain top talent and offer competitive, high-tech jobs,” Emanuel said.  

In August, Emanuel announced a partnership with the company to find efficiencies in city government and, hopefully, save Chicago more than $25 million over the next two years.

"They won't get paid just because they identify the savings," Emanuel said. "They don't' see any value until the tax payers see the value, when it falls to our bottom line for the tax payers. In the past it was identify. This is a new contract."

Accenture also has a deal in place with Cook County.


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