21 October 2011

Pig's Head Found in Vineland Cemetery

Police are investigating the beheading of several animals at a Vineland cemetery.

The latest incident happened on Tuesday around 8 a.m.

Doug Riley, groundskeeper at the Sacred Heart Cemetery, spotted a clear plastic bag on the property. When he went to pick it up, he says he discovered the severed head of a pig.

"To come across a pig's head, it was very bizarre," Riley tells NBC Philadelphia.

Riley threw the pig head in the trash, informed the cemetery staff and then contacted police. When they arrived, he told them about several other similar incidents that occurred since the summer.

According to Riley, there have been about a half-dozen beheaded animals left at the cemetery, each found on a different grave. Riley says he's found headless crows as well as rats.

Police aren't sure if the culprits are using the creatures to perform religious rituals.

Family of the deceased buried in the cemetery are upset by the recent discoveries.

"They're here to be in peace, not to be bothered," Carrie Cross tells NBC Philadelphia.


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