21 October 2011

Southlake Zoning Committee Approves Beck Studio

Southlake Zoning Committee Approves Beck Studio

TV and radio personality Glenn Beck is one step closer to calling North Texas home.

Southlake zoning officials approved a proposal to transform the city's old Gateway Church located at 2121 E. Southlake Blvd into his new studio.

Mercury Radio Arts spokesman Joe Kerry said the now-empty church would be used for Beck's broadcast Monday through Thursday. The building would hold a live audience of about 200 people.

At Thursday's meeting, some Southlake residents who live near the church expressed concerns about security issues and what time the parking lot lights will be shut off. But Kerry said all of those issues will be addressed.

"The same concerns about the lighting, the fencing -- we've taken the time to meet with [neighbors]," he said. "We went through the local SPIN organization. We've walked the property with them and allowed them to point out their areas of concern."

Pattie Minder, who lives next to the church said she, like most of her friends, are in favor of Beck moving to the neighborhood.

"Absolutely -- just look at the proximity of where the building is," she said. "You've got the town square, you've got all the activities right there."

Beck representatives have to meet with the Southlake City Council at least two more times before the move into the Gateway Church becomes permanent, but Kerry said it looks as though Beck has found his home deep in the heart of Texas.

"Glenn fell in love with the community," he said. "He liked the people, he likes the atmosphere and wanted to be apart of it, and we hope that happens."

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