21 October 2011

NJ Candidate Apologizes for Tweeting 'Whore in Bed' Advice for Women

NJ Candidate Apologizes for Tweeting 'Whore in Bed' Advice for Women

A day after staunchly defending his tweet directing women to be “whores in the bedroom” if they want to keep their men, New Jersey Senate candidate Phil Mitsch apologized for offending people with his relationship advice.

The apology did not help Mitsch's cause Friday, as the GOP officially pulled its support for his candidacy Friday afternoon.

The tweet, which he sent out to his 44,000 Twitter followers on Sept. 2, said, “Women, you increase your odds of keeping your men by being faithful, a lady in the living room and a whore in the bedroom."

"I would like to sincerely apologize for any offense I may have caused anyone, particularly women, as a result of a Twitter post that has recently been reported," Mitsch said in a statement.

After apologizing, Mitsch’s statement went on to explain that the tweet was inspired by an “age-old saw most notably quoted by Jerry Hall, Mick Jagger's ex-wife, in the early 1990's: 'My mother said in order to keep a man, you must be a maid in the living room, a cook in the kitchen, and a whore in the bedroom.' "

Mitsch said that he updated the “timeworn adage” by adding that men should “be faithful, a gentleman in the living room and a stud in the bedroom.”

In an editorial board meeting with the Inquirer Thursday, Mitsch kept digging.

"That's a great tip. . . . That shows the utmost respect for women. . . . What I was trying to say to men was, 'Men, look, if you got to go out and play around and you can't be honest with a woman and respect her, then you're better off just doing pay, play, and get the 'f' away,'" he told the Inquirer.

Mitsch’s apology comes a day after he said that he was “definitely not apologizing,” despite the fact that Democrats demanded that Mitsch drop out of the race and his own party of Republicans said that he was “unfit for office.”

State GOP spokesman Rick Gorka told the Inquirer that the apology changes nothing and the Republicans’ position remains.

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