29 September 2011

Trump: Huntsman Has "Zero Chance," Refuses Meeting

Trump: Huntsman Has

Manhattan real estate mogul Donald Trump has met with numerous Republican presidential contenders, but there's one he says isn't worth his precious time.

A tweet from his official account Thursday said former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman "has zero chance of getting the nomination. Whoever said I wanted to meet him? Time is money and I don't waste mine."

A parade of announced candidates -- and those who are still considering White House bids -- have come through New York City to meet with the billionaire reality television star, who has also flirted with running.

The latest was former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney this week, and earlier this month Texas Gov. Rick Perry stopped by to have dinner. Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann paid a visit this summer, and Sarah Palin also made the trip to Manhattan.

Godfather's Pizza founder Herman Cain is also on Trump's calendar for a visit.

Huntsman spokesman Tim Miller said in response to the tweet Thursday: "Unlike Rick Perry and Mitt Romney, Gov. Huntsman isn't wasting his time with 'Presidential Apprentice,' his focus is on real solutions to fix our nation's economy."

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