29 September 2011

Houseless Haunters Looking for New Place to Spook

The Ghostbusters might have to pass up Lombard this Halloween season.

The usual ghostly and ghoulish activities that happen this time of year may come to a standstill if the Lombard Jaycees Haunted House fails to find, well, a house.

The Jaycees lost their former location, the old Hobby Lobby store at 1141 S. Main St., to a Halloween costume retailer, according to the Daily Herald. Now it seems, property owners are less likely to give temporary leases in the area.

The group hoped to begin the haunted house on Saturday, but Community Development director Bill Heniff told the paper, "nothing has come to fruition."

Is their Halloween doomed to be monster-less? Not quite. The 41-year-old charity program is getting help from the Lombard community to look for a place. Members say the program is essential to raise money for food baskets to distribute during the holidays.

If a building is found by Saturday, the Jaycees vow to open by Oct. 14.

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