29 September 2011

$1 Million in Cocaine Seized from Plane at JFK

$1 Million in Cocaine Seized from Plane at JFK

A plane carrying 18 brick-shaped packages of powder cocaine landed at Kennedy Airport last month, setting off an investigation into the drugs that continues today, according to authorities.

When the plane landed in New York City Aug. 25, a team of K-9 dogs alerted customs officers to the possible presence of illegal drugs, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman Anthony Bucci.

A search turned up 44 pounds of packaged cocaine concealed inside the cargo-hold bulk head door. The street value of the drugs was estimated at about $1 million.

Bucci said the agency could not release further information because the investigation was still active and could not be jeopardized by details released to the public.

He added the seizure was unusually large and highlighted the work of Customs and Border Protection officers, whose rigorous attention to detail in their work helped result in the seizure of the drugs.

The investigation is ongoing, with several agencies involved, said Bucci.

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