29 September 2011

Mutilated Kittens Found in Chester County

Mutilated Kittens Found in Chester County

Four dead kittens, three of which were mutilated, have been found at a residence in Coatesville, Pa. in the past two weeks, Chester County SPCA reports.

All of the dead kittens were found at a home of “a cat colony” on robin Road, where the property pwner feeds, spays, neuters and cares for outdoor cats, according to the SPCA.

The lower half of one kitten was found near the woman’s trashcan. Another kitten with massive head trauma was found on her porch. A third kitten was disemboweled  and its remains were found in a pile on her porch as well, the SPCA says.

The fourth dead kitten was found near the property, but the cause of death is unknown.

Chester County SPCA’s Animal Protective Services is investigating the mutilations, as the acts constitute animal cruelty.

The SPCA is asking for anyone with information to call 610.692.6113


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