05 October 2011

Pr. George's Community Fighting Off Increased Prostitution

Pr. George's Community Fighting Off Increased Prostitution

Some Prince George's county residents are fed up with blatant prostitution in their neighborhood.   

Now a county councilmember is proposing establishing "prostitution free zones" for her community.


Residents of the Fairmont Heights neighborhood say when they leave their homes in the morning, they often see barely-clothed women soliciting men in cars.

Councilmember Andrea Harrison says that both adults and children witness the prostitution, which takes place roadside or in alleys.  Harrison speculated some of the customers were repairmen coming in their work vans early morning, who leave "leftovers" from their trysts behind in the neighborhood.

The lawmaker proposed legislation that allows police to tell two or more people standing around together loitering to move on, even if they aren't committing a crime.

The proposed legislation changes would also increase fines for loitering.

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