27 October 2011

FAA Creates Web Page to Report Laser Attacks

FAA Creates Web Page to Report Laser Attacks

Federal Aviation Administration has created a new website to report laser attacks.

The FAA describes a laser attack as any time a laser is directed at an aircraft, which can shine into the cockpit and distract or temporarily blind pilots.

The new site collects laser information, download-able videos, information on the effects of lasers on pilots, and links for reporting laser incidents.

"Safety of the traveling public is our absolute number-one priority. We will do everything we can to get the word out about how dangerous it is to point a laser at an aircraft. These incidents must stop," said U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood in a press release.

Laser event reports have increased steadily since the FAA created a formal reporting system in 2005. Reports rose from nearly 300 in 2005 to 1,527 in 2009 and 2,836 in 2010. This year, pilots reported 2,795 laser events through Oct. 20, according to FAA data.

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