12 October 2011

Three Communities Named Best for Young People

Three Communities Named Best for Young People

Three local communities are named the best for young people in a national contest.

That's according to America's Promise Alliance, a non-profit organization founded by General Colin Powell that promotes the interests of children.

The Alliance's annual  '100 Best Communities for Young People' competition names communities around the country "that have made the well-being of children and youth a priority."

The city of Alexandria, Prince William County and Calvert County were all named.

The communities were praised for their efforts to reduce dropout rates and to provide services to support kids.

Each of the 100 cities that won will get $2,500 to fund a local service program or to host a victory celebration.

America's Promise Alliance is supported by 400 corporations and non-profits.  Financial firm ING is a major underwriter of the 100 Best contest.

For more about the competition, and how to enter your city next year, click here.


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