12 October 2011

Metro Mulls Station Name Changes

Metro Mulls Station Name Changes

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority is in the process of redrawing the Metro map, as part of the coming route changes to the Blue and Yellow lines.

WMATA is taking the opportunity to edit some existing station names. 

In a press release, Metro laid out its policy for new names.  Landmarks referenced by station names should be within walking distance, and can include squares, neighborhoods, or intersections.  New names should also "evoke imagery in the mind of the patron,” which means names like "7th and H" should be avoided.  In addition, new names should be no longer than 19 characters, including spaces.

Metro said stations could have secondary names, written in smaller font below the main name, to accommodate some of the older, longer station names.

Here is a list of proposed name changes, requested by the jurisdiction where the stations are located:

-New York Ave-Florida Ave-Gallaudet U would get shortened to New York Ave-NoMA, with the secondary name Gallaudet U.  Metro noted in its research, many customers reacted negatively to the name 'NoMa.'

-A request was put in to stretch the Forest Glen station to Forest Glen-Holy Cross Hospital.  Customers gave this one mixed reviews.  Metro recommends the word hospital gets replaced with the universal symbol H for hospital.

-Smithsonian would get the secondary name 'the National Mall.'  In the polling, customers gave the longer name good reviews.

-Waterfront-SEU would switch to Waterfront-Arena Stage.  SEU stood for the now defunct Southeastern University.  Metro would prefer simplifying the station's name to Waterfront. 

-Navy Yard station would become Navy Yard-Ballpark, a switch that also got good reviews. Metro recommends that Ballpark becomes the secondary name, written in smaller letters beneath.


-King Street would become King Street-Old Town, a move that customers gave mixed reviews.  Metro would like Old Town as the secondary name.

Despite the push for shorter names, Metro has obviously been willing to entertain more than one proposal that exceeds the limit.

Right now, all these name changes are just proposals - nothing will get finalized until the Metro board votes.


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