12 October 2011

Occupy LA Resolution Put to Vote

Occupy LA Resolution Put to Vote

Councilmembers were scheduled to vote on the Occupy L.A. resolution Wednesday at City Hall after more than a week of protests.

The resolution was introduced last week councilmembers Richard Alarcon and Bill Rosendahl. It  seeks to address "the City’s position to support the First Amendment Rights carried out by ‘Occupy Los Angeles,'" according to the L.A. City Council Agenda.

The proposed recommendation is to support the continuation of peaceful protests and advise the city departments to bring the already-approved Responsible Banking measure up for a final vote to before the council by the end of October.

The council members said the Responsible Banking measure will alleviate some of the concerns of the downtown demonstrators. The measure demands accountability and results from the banks supported by taxpayer dollars.

If implemented, the Responsible Banking measure would require that all banks and financial institutions that provide services to the city would be required to submit an annual report to the City Treasurer detailing "the number, size and type of small business loans; home mortgages; home improvement loans; and community development loans and investments within the City of Los Angeles." 

The official Occupy L.A. Twitter account provided a live stream link to the City Council meeting on their feed.

Downtown at the Occupy L.A. camp, scheduled activities for Wednesday include Marianne Williamson, a New York Times best-selling author, who will speak and lead a meditation at 12 p.m.

Williamson was invited as part of the movement’s new lunchtime speaker series that kicked off Monday.


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