12 October 2011

Highest Approval Ratings Yet for Christie

Highest Approval Ratings Yet for Christie

A new poll shows New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is more popular than ever at home.

The Quinnipiac University Poll out Wednesday shows Christie with a 58 percent job approval rating, his highest ever in the poll.

And while a majority of voters polled think Christie could have won if he ran for president, they seem glad he didn't, they back his decision to stay put by a margin of 8-1.

Voters also agree with Christie by a 3-1 margin that he doesn't have the personality to be vice president.

Women are also warming to him; 51 percent approve of his performance, a 25-point swing from August.

The telephone poll of 1,186 registered voters was conducted from Oct. 5-10. It has an error margin of plus or minus 2.9 percentage points.


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