12 October 2011

Man Robs Loop Bank for 4th time in Two Months: FBI

A man who is believed to have robbed a Loop bank branch at least three times in the past two months may have struck for a fourth time.

At about 1:30 p.m., a man handed a note demanding money to a teller at the Chicago Community Bank branch at 52 E. Lake St.

Though the man never showed a gun, his note implied he had a weapon, said police spokesman John Mirabelli.

The teller complied, and the robber ran off with an unidentified amount of cash.  He was last seen running eastbound toward Michigan Avenue, Mirabelli said.

No one was injured.

It is believed this same man may be responsible for three other robberies of the same bank this year, FBI spokeswoman Cynthia Yates said. He is believed to have robbed the branch on Aug. 12, Sept. 6 and Sept. 30.

He is described as a black male in his 30s, wearing a tan baseball cap, jeans and white tank top. He stands about 5'8" or 5'9" tall, according to a post on BanditTrackerChicago.com.

Anyone with information should call the FBI at 312-421-6700.

There have been at least 71 bank robberies in the Chicago are this year. 

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