17 October 2011

Protests, Poll Fuel NY Millionaire Tax Push

Protests, Poll Fuel NY Millionaire Tax Push

The push for a higher tax on New Yorkers making more than $1 million a year is getting fresh life with a new poll showing overwhelming support, a high-profile rally and the Occupy Wall Street protest in New York City.     

A Siena College poll released Monday finds 72 percent of New York voters support the tax to avoid further budget cuts. Just 26 percent oppose the proposal by powerful Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver.     

Also Monday, the union-backed "99 New York'' rally supports extending the current so-called "millionaire's tax'' on New Yorkers with incomes over $200,000.

It's due to expire Dec. 31 and is opposed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo.     

The poll questioned 800 registered voters last Monday through Wednesday. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 points.

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