17 October 2011

Algae Bloom Affects Much of Texas Coast

Algae Bloom Affects Much of Texas Coast

An algae bloom known as red tide that is killing fish and making throats scratchy up and down the Texas Gulf Coast did not surprise researchers who knew the ongoing drought made conditions ripe.

Texas Parks and Wildlife marine biologist Meridith Byrd said Monday the geographic scope of this red tide -- from Galveston to South Padre Island -- is the largest since 2000.

Byrd and other scientists started preparing early in the summer because they recognized the state's brutal drought was creating the warm, salty waters closer to shore that the algae love.

The Cameron County health department warned people with respiratory illnesses, including asthma, to avoid South Padre Island and Boca Chica beach Sunday until further notice. The last red tide along the Texas coast was 2009.

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