17 October 2011

Most Occupy Dallas Protesters Move

Occupy Dallas protesters set up camp behind Dallas City Hall Sunday night.

Protesters reached an agreement with the city that by 5 p.m. they would move their tent city from Pioneer Plaza to City Hall Park, a grassy ridge on the south side of City Hall.

Under the agreement, the group can stay behind City Hall for 60 days.

A few people remained in Pioneer Plaza Sunday night. The city said anyone still there at midnight will be arrested.

Occupy Dallas said it would continue to meet to protest corporate greed and government corruption in Pioneer Plaza during the day.

"At one time we may only have 2,000 people out here able to protest with us, but we've got so many people from Dallas that are sending us donations, that are sending food, that are able to support us in different ways," said Occupy Dallas protester Stacey Wrocklage.

More: Occupy Dallas Website

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