17 October 2011

Cuomo Picks McCall, One-Time Rival, as SUNY Chair

Cuomo Picks McCall, One-Time Rival, as SUNY Chair

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has replaced the widely respected chairman of the State University of New York Board of trustees with former Democratic Comptroller H. Carl McCall, a fellow Democrat steeped in Albany politics.

Cuomo says McCall's knowledge of government finances and getting bills passed is a perfect match for the job.

The 76-year-old McCall says he'll lead SUNY in a "shared vision" with Cuomo to bolster academic standards and help spur economic growth and jobs around the campuses.

Former Chairman Carl Hayden is an Elmira attorney. Hayden was the state public schools chancellor and head of the Board of Regents for seven years and presided over an era of raising standards and greater accountability at schools.

Hayden was appointed chairman of the SUNY board in 2007 by Gov. Eliot Spitzer.

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