10 October 2011

San Diego HS Football Star Sidelined with Injury

San Diego High School's star quarterback is recovering Monday after a gruesome injury on the football field on Friday night.

Khari Kimbrough was looking for an open receiver when he decided to tuck the ball and run to pick up yards, when he was tackled by an opposing player.

Here's where it gets hairy.

Paramedics from an ambulance on stand-by at the game rushed over to help, but apparently did not have the equipment need to treat the injury and their ambulance's battery was dead. Someone on the field rushed to their SUV and drove it onto the field to try to jump start the ambulance, but with no success.

Eventually school officials called 911 and San Diego Firefighters rushed to the school, but only after Kimbrough lay in pain on the open field for 30 minutes.

Kimbrough is one of the best players in the County with scholarship interest from Nevada and Fresno State.

After hearing threats coming from the sidelines and from people in the stands referees decided to postpone the game.

No word on when and if the game will be replayed.

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