10 October 2011

Quinn Proclaims it Ideas Week in Illinois

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn likes to sign things.

So it makes sense that he'd like to proclaim things as well.

Monday he proclaimed "Ideas Week" in Illinois at the start of the first ever Chicago Ideas Week, an innovative speaker series event that features thought leaders from various industries. 

“Illinois is proud to be home to some of the brightest minds in science, technology, business and education,” said Governor Quinn, who was joined on stage at the Museum of Contemporary Art by former Chicago Mayor Richard Daley and Ideas Week organizer Brad Keywell, said. “It only makes sense that the best minds in the world should come together here to develop innovative ideas and technologies that will help create the jobs of today and tomorrow to move our economy forward."

Quinn wasn't the only one to laud the Ideas Week event. Daley introduced the event as a perfect institution for this generation of Chicagoans.

"This generation is a great generation," Daley said. "The things you're going to accomplish are going to be completely different than the last century, because you're going to be much better than the last century. Chicago Ideas Week brings forward all your ideas."

The week-long celebration of ideas will take place at some of Chicago’s most prominent landmarks and will feature more than 150 key figures in business, science, health, technology, journalism, the arts, sports and government. Former President Bill Clinton, Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City and Kasim Reed of Atlanta are among the featured speakers.

“This week provides a world-class platform that is designed to showcase our state as a center of innovation and entrepreneurship," said Keywell, creator of Chicago Ideas Week. ”We are thrilled by the support we've received from both the city of Chicago and Illinois state government leaders for this celebration." 

Quinn's press release after the announcment, made clear the governor is all too happy to help along the Ideas Week idea because it lines up with other initiatives of his.

Last week Governor Quinn launched the Advantage Illinois program to provide Illinois businesses and entrepreneurs with access to the capital they need to start new companies and expand existing business. Advantage Illinois will leverage $78 million in federal funding that will allow businesses to bring innovative ideas and new products to market and accelerate job creation and economic growth in Illinois. Earlier this year, the Governor created the Illinois Innovation Council with the goal of keeping Illinois on the cutting-edge of the global economy.

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