10 October 2011

Protesters Continue to Occupy D.C. on Columbus Day

Protesters Continue to Occupy D.C. on Columbus Day

The occupation of Freedom Plaza stretches into another day.

A deadline for protesters with the October 2011 Stop the Machine demonstration came and went on Monday morning.  National Park Police said the group's permit ran out on Sunday, but protesters were given until 6 a.m. to clean up and vacate the Pennsylvania Avenue plaza.  Early Monday, the hundreds of demonstrators showed little sign of stirring.

Freedman Plaza has drawn a diverse group of disaffected and angry protesters.  Organizers said the October 2011 Stop the Machine demonstration was scheduled to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the start of the war in Afghanistan, and carries an anti-war and anti-corporate greed


On Monday, labor unions plan on joining with those encamped blocks from the White House.

While mostly peaceful, the multi-day "occupation" was punctuated by arrests and pepper-spray on Saturday.  A group of several hundred demonstrators carrying banners attempted to enter the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum.   Museum guards confronted the crowd, a physical altercation ensued, and security deployed mace to turn the protesters back.

One person was arrested in the incident.

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