24 September 2011

Man, 14-Year-Old Arrested in Vista Burglary Series

A man and a young teen were arrested Friday in connection with a string of home burglaries that occurred in west Vista neighborhood.

San Diego County Sheriffs have arrested 18‐year‐old Taylor Beil Brylla and a 14‐year‐old boy who they said are responsible for all three burglaries.

The two suspects matched descriptions made by witnesses of burglaries which happened just south of Highway 78 in the gated community of Moncado Springs.

Entering the homes between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., the suspects came through windows and in one case an unlocked door, officials said.

On Friday the suspects were detained by citizens who called deputies after they said the pair was casing a home the 1700 block of Creekside Lane just before 2 p.m.

One of those citizens, Greg Rafail, told the NCT one of the suspects looked just like the man in a sketch passed around the neighborhood Friday morning.

Rafail, 40, said in a interview with the paper that he watched as one of the two suspects approached a home, then confronted them.

"I held the flier to his face and said "That's you," Rafail said.

Rafail called 911, but the two men fled as a sheriff's deputy drove up which prompting the neighborhood search.

The suspects were later located at a nearby mobile home where they were arrested.

Brylla admitted to all three burglaries as well as to arming himself with a kitchen knife during one of the break-ins, officials said.

The minor suspect only admitted to one of the crimes.

During the burglary spree the pair reportedly made off with a video game console which was found during a search of their homes.

The juvenile faces charges of residential burglary and resisting/delaying a peace officer and Brylla faces the same with an added charge of commercial burglary.


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